Fabric coasters

How to make fabric scrap coasters

Here’s an easy way of using up fabric scraps to make some colourful coasters. Perfect for those giant G&T’s we’ll be having in our gardens with our loved ones as soon as the restrictions get lifted.

You could also make bigger versions in the same way to make place mats.

You will need:

  • Fabric scraps. I used a mix of cotton fabric. The thicker the fabric, the thicker the coaster (and the quicker you’ll make them!)
  • Fabric glue. I used Modge Podge, which is great to use as a sealer too.
  • Scissors
  • A piece of felt for the base of your coasters. Or you could use cardboard.
I used a mix of plain and patterned fabric

Step 1 – cut strips of fabric

First step is to cut out some strips of fabric. I cut mine about 1cm thickness. Make them as long as you can, so you end up with longer plaits. This just means you have less ‘joining up’ to do at the later stages.

Cutting fabric

Step 2 – plait the fabric

Next step is to plait the fabric. Tie each end in knots, so you keep the plaits in place. I then snipped off the knots when you’re ready to use and glue the plait into place.

Plaiting the fabric
Tie a knot at the start and end of your plait to keep it in place
Fabric plaits
You’re going to need about 2 metres of plaited fabric per coaster

Step 3 – prepare your coaster base

On the felt fabric (or whatever medium you’re used as your base) draw around the glass/mugs you have in your house at the widest point. This way you’ll know the coasters will be big enough.

Making the fabric felt base

Step 4 – glue your plaits

Next step is fiddly. Snip off the knots at the end of the plaits. I start off with a coil in the middle of the felt fabric circle and glue as I go round in the circle. You could use pegs to hold in place while it’s drying.

Glueing the fabric
Paint glue on the felt base and the plaited coil

Once you’ve got to the edge of the drawn circle, glue the end of the plait. I painted a layer of glue over the top of the coaster to seal in the fabric.

Fabric glueing
Keep going until you get to the edge of your coaster

Leave overnight to set. Now cut around each coaster so the felt is trimmed to the base.

Trim off the felt
Trim off the felt
Finished fabric coasters
Finished coasters stacked and ready for your G&T!

More ideas

For more ideas on crafts and makes for Easter, head to my Pinterest page ‘Handmade Easter‘.



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